Purchase intention in the scope firm of corporate social responsibility





Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Economic, Social, ethical, and philanthropic, Purchase Intentions, Halabja Group


This empirical study seeks to examine the effect of purchase intention within the scope of corporate social responsibility. Via the housing sector in Garden City in Sulaymaniyah City, Kurdistan Region, Iraq. For this study, the data was collected through primary sources using a survey questionnaire to collect data from 181 customers. The obtained data were analyzed using statistical tools like SPSS V.24. The results showed a relationship between corporate social responsibility and purchase intention. Following the recommendation, The Halabja Group should seek to increase corporate social responsibility by using the appropriate strategic direction towards achieving their goals, and that is by setting short-, medium, and long-term plans to achieve them.


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How to Cite

Faeq, D. K., Saleh, P. F., Hiwa, H., Ismael, A., & Nawzad, M. (2022). Purchase intention in the scope firm of corporate social responsibility. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(6), 43–55. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v11i6.1944



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