Explanatory sequential design of mixed methods research: Phases and challenges


  • Mohammad Abu Sayed Toyon Estonian Business School




Explanatory Sequential Design, Mixed Methods Research, Estonia


The purpose of this essay is to discuss the phases and challenges of the explanatory sequential design (ESD hereinafter) of mixed methods research (MMR hereinafter) by reviewing relevant literature. The literature was explored during the design stage of a Ph.D. project that sought to examine the relationship among social capital, education, and employment for foreign students graduating from several Estonian universities. The review finds that the explanatory sequential design of MMR is much more complex than just sequencing how and what kind of data to collect; it also entails selecting how data will be processed and presented using a range of techniques that are often riddled with difficulties. By addressing these ideas, this paper will aid those interested in comprehending the summary of the explanatory sequential design of MMR.


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Author Biography

Mohammad Abu Sayed Toyon, Estonian Business School



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How to Cite

Toyon, M. A. S. (2021). Explanatory sequential design of mixed methods research: Phases and challenges. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(5), 253–260. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v10i5.1262



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