The impacts of social media influencer’s credibility attributes on gen Z purchase intention with brand image as mediation
Study on consumers of Korea cosmetic product
credibility, Marketing Attractiveness, Celebrity, Endorser, Trustworthiness, expertise, attractiveness, Brand Attitude, social media, brand image, purchase intention, gen zAbstract
Gen Z controls almost the entire population in the world with a total number of almost two billion people worldwide. This generation will be the largest consumer group in the world. In Indonesia itself, In 2020, Gen Z occupied the highest percentage of the population. Therefore, Gen Z is a potential target market that has a considerable influence on purchasing decisions. Based on the characteristics of Gen Z, who are digital natives, the use of social media is the right marketing strategy for consumers who are counted into Gen Z category. Promotional activities, as part of a marketing strategy, especially through social media require influencers as endorsers. This study aims to investigate the factors that influence the credibility attributes of social media influencers on the purchase intentions of Gen Z consumers. This study uses influencer credibility attributes (attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness) as independent variables that influence the purchase intention of Gen Z consumers with brand image as a mediation. This research is categorized as explanatory research. The respondents in this study were Gen Z who used Korean cosmetic products throughout Indonesia, the determination of the number of samples in this study used a purposive sampling technique with a sample of 210 respondents. The method of collecting data is using a questionnaire, the data is analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results showed that the three attributes of influencer credibility had a significant effect on the purchase intention of Gen Z. The three attributes of credibility had a significant effect on brand image, brand image had a significant effect on purchase intention. Brand image can provide a full mediating role in the relationship of influencer credibility to the purchase intention of Gen Z consumers. Local cosmetic industry players are expected to improve marketing strategies through online channels, especially social media by utilizing the right influencers as their endorsers, because it is proven in this study, credibility of social media influencers have a significant effect on the brand image of a product and the purchase intention of Gen Z consumers, so that the local cosmetic industry in Indonesia can compete with foreign cosmetic industries.
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