Articles published in the IJRBS are Open Access and freely available online immediately upon publication. This is made possible by an article-processing charge (APC) that covers the provision of online tools for editors and authors, article production and hosting, liaison with abstracting and indexing services, and other editorial services.
The article-processing fee for accepted articles is 220.00 USD.
Submission fees are NOT charged.
Article-processing fee waivers and discounts
IJRBS applies a %15 discount to authors from low-income countries classified by the World Bank, and %15 for reviewers who sufficiently completed the review process.
Institutions may join our Institutional Open-Access Membership Program which allows any of their authors to publish at discounted rates. Waiver details are available on our Author Fees Page.
Please note:
- Reviewers are granted cumulative discounts (see the Benefits for reviewers)
- Institutional Open Access Membership Program allows authors to publish free or at discounted APC.
Institutional Membership Program (IMP)
If the corresponding author's institution participates in our IMP, some or all of the publication costs may be covered by the author's institution at a reduced APC (more details are available on the IMP page).
IMPORTANT: IJRBS imposes high English language and scientific medical writing standards. For manuscripts with less than optimal English language, authors must provide the corrected manuscript and a certificate of professional language editing or scientific medical writing. Else, authors may choose to arrange the paid Journal's language editing and scientific medical writing service.
The Journal publishes only high-quality figures. The content of the figures (graph or composite figures quality, image colors, brightness and contrast, font legibility, spelling errors), as well as figure resolution, have to be of high quality. If the figures are suboptimal, the authors will be asked to improve the figures. If the authors are not able to improve the figures themselves, they may use the paid Journal's figure editing service.
Low-income economies
Afghanistan | Guinea-Bissau | Sierra Leone |
Burkina Faso | Haiti | Somalia |
Burundi | Korea, Dem. People's Rep. | South Sudan |
Central African Republic | Liberia | Sudan |
Chad | Madagascar | Syrian Arab Republic |
Congo, Dem. Rep | Malawi | Tajikistan |
Eritrea | Mali | Togo |
Ethiopia | Mozambique | Uganda |
Gambia | Niger | Yemen, Rep. |
Guinea | Rwanda |