Link readiness for change to work performance through mindfulness among health care employees in Indonesia




MN. RFC. WP. Health worker. Organization


This paper aims to examine mindfulness as a potential mediator of readiness for change to work Performance among health workers such as Nurse, Doctors, and back offices in hospitals in Indonesia. We are using the quantitative method in this research. The partial least square-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach analyzed the data. The population is 206 health workers in Indonesia as a sample of research. A direct and indirect correlation between Readiness for Change to Work Performance through Mindfulness value is 0.736 with ? 15.731. Mindfulness is proven to function as a mediator moderate.


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How to Cite

Merdiaty, N., Rosbi Rimbun, L., Wijaya, P. A. D., & Shintiarafy, V. A. (2022). Link readiness for change to work performance through mindfulness among health care employees in Indonesia. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(4), 149–158.



Organizational Culture, Leadership and Human Resources Management