Revealing the Accountability of the Sultanate of Ternate Assets in the era of Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II (1975-2015)


  • Muhamad Dhanutirto F. Tuwow Brawijaya University
  • Bambang Hariadi
  • Ali Djamhuri



Asset Accountability, Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II, Ternate’s Sultanate, Jou Se Ngofangare.


This study aims to construct the assets accountability of the Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II era of the Ternate’s Sultanate (1975-2015). The focus of the study was to uncover various forms of embodiment and values contained in accountability during the Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II Ternate’s Sultanate. This research uses ethnographic methods developed by River and Boas. The analysis used to answer research questions uses Foucoult's historical thought analysis of Power-Knowledge. Questions were given to several informants who explained that they were competent to support this research. In carrying out asset accountability, the values inherent in the Accountability of Sultan Mudaffar Sjah are based on the philosophy of Jou se Ngofangare which is closely held by the Ternate’s Sultanate. Accountability of Jou se Ngofangare is what gave birth to a trilogy of dimensions that instills the values of a harmonious relationship between humans and God, humans and humans, and the relationship between humans and nature. The construction of accountability for Sultan Mudaffar's assets takes several forms: His view is that all property is intended for the people. Much has been done by Sultan Mudaffar Sjah during his leadership in the contemporary era, from protecting all forms of the Sultanate's assets. Starting from accountability for power, accountability for trust and responsibility for customary land, until he also donated land for the public interest in this case to the City Government of Ternate, namely for the construction of Khairun University as well as the construction of an airport.


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How to Cite

Tuwow, M. D. F. ., Hariadi, B., & Djamhuri, A. (2021). Revealing the Accountability of the Sultanate of Ternate Assets in the era of Sultan Mudaffar Sjah II (1975-2015). International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(3), 424–437.



Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences