Assessment of Critical Success Factors of TQM Culture in Hospitality Sector in Kosovo


  • Rejhane Zylfijaj
  • Bujar Pira



TQM, Critical Success Factors, Hospitality, Quality, Hotel


This paper attemts to ilustrate how the managers and the staff of a 5 star hotel in Kosovo define quality. Furthermore, it explores the number of critical success factors related to TQM culture and how they are applied in the hotel operations. Different theories related to the quality in the field of service provision, more particular in hospitality or hotel sector and the introduction of the TQM culture in the same sector. A conceptual framework based on existing theories and literature is developed which is than confirms through the research findings and analysis. The findings suggest that most features associated with TQM, like critical success factors assessed throughout the research (leadership, customer focus, and training, communication, teams and staff empowerment) can produce an advantage for the 5 star hotel operations that will affect the quality of service. Furthermore, it confirms that some of the TQM aspects are applied and can be applied in 5 star hotel operations in Kosovo. The issue is whether these aspects are understood as TQM principles and whether their added value is embraced in the day-to-day running of the hotel. The outcomes imply that, indeed, the TQM culture is present in the The Hotel, a 5 star hotel in Kosovo. Some of the critical success factors are directly linked to TQM and some less and it also provides suggestions for improvement where needed, especially related to specific tools that are integral parts of the TQM culture.


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How to Cite

Zylfijaj, R., & Pira, B. (2017). Assessment of Critical Success Factors of TQM Culture in Hospitality Sector in Kosovo. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 6(1), 65–77.


