Strategic alliances and competitive advantage of commercial banks in Kenya
Competitive advantage, customer satisfaction, equity alliance, joint research and development, joint venture, market share, strategic alliance.Abstract
Commercial banks in Kenya operate in quite dynamic financial market environment and continue to experience stiff competition in the provision of financial services. The liberation of the financial markets has resulted into an upsurge in the number of institutions providing financial products and services, threatening the future of Kenyan commercial banks. This study aimed at determining the effect of strategic alliances on competitive advantage of commercial banks in Kenya. The objectives were to determine effect of joint ventures, equity alliances, and joint research and development on the competitiveness of Kenyan banks. The following theories informed this research; Resource Based View theory, competitive theory, and resource dependence theory. Causal research design was adopted where all the 42 Kenyan commercial banks formed the target population. Census survey sampling design was applied and semi-structured questionnaire used. Reliability and validity results were used to improve the research instrument prior to the actual data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Study found that joint venture (?=0.435, p=0.000) equity alliances (?=0.227, p=0.018), and joint research and development (?=0.0.612, p=0.000) had positive significant effects on competitive advantage. With a coefficient of determination (R-square) of 68.9% and overall p-value of 0.000, the study concluded strategic alliances have a statistical significant effect on competitive advantage. The study recommends that managements of commercial banks should fast-truck implementation of such alliances to for improved competitiveness.
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