Understanding congruence of values: a phenomenographic data analysis
Congruence of values, phenomenographic data analysisAbstract
This study focuses on understanding the concept of congruence of values. Congruence indicates that there is alignment between the values of an employee and those of the organization. It is a condition where an employee embraces, adheres, and develops a deep understanding of the significance of the organizational core values. The focus of this study is the core values of a tertiary higher education institution located in Manila, Philippines. Congruence is key to the success of the institution as it ensures that the behaviors exhibited by employees in the workplace are strategically aligned with the organizational vision, mission, goals, and objectives. Through phenomenographic data analysis, metaphors have been identified to create a more comprehensive view of congruence of values. As a phenomenon, other meanings may be derived in order to establish a clearer conceptualization of congruence of values. A Phenomenographic Outcome Space of Congruence of Values is presented to provide a complete picture of the phenomenon. The Phenomenographic Outcome Space ties together the metaphors associated with congruence of values, namely: timeline, imprint, compass, light, and legacy.
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