Employee motivation and its impact on employees’ productivity and efficiency: a study of Pick n Pay Pine Crest Mall, Pinetown
Efficiency, Employee, Motivation, ProductivityAbstract
Management's primary responsibilities encompass cultivating a more satisfying work environment for employees and synchronising employee motivation with organisational goals. These interconnected responsibilities are essential for organisational performance and employee welfare. This study utilised Pick n Pay Pine Crest Mall in Pinetown as a case study to investigate the impact of employee motivation on productivity and efficiency, as well as to discover the existing techniques employed by Pick n Pay to enhance employee motivation for enhanced productivity and efficiency. The study employed a qualitative methodology with an exploratory research design, utilising a non-probability quota sampling strategy to pick eleven respondents from a population of 144 employees. Open-ended interview questions were employed, and the data were analysed utilising NVivo 11 software. The results indicated that Pick n Pay management incentivises employees by providing efficient tools, fostering a conducive work environment, and offering monetary rewards or awards. The survey also identified shortcomings, including insufficient team-building activities, inadequate communication among staff, and discontent with existing compensation. To improve performance and cultivate a productive staff, it was advised that management revamp motivational strategies, prioritising respect, acknowledgement, and enhanced information distribution. Suggestions for improving staff enthusiasm, productivity, and efficiency at Pick n Pay Pine Crest Mall encompass improved feedback and communication, a clear career progression, extensive training programs, investment in team development, and the provision of competitive remuneration.
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