The effect of organizational justice and job involvement on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with organizational commitment as mediation variable

Study on Samarinda Medika Citra Hospital Nurses


  • Della Restiana Sari University of Brawijaya
  • Noermijati University of Brawijaya
  • Himmiyatul Amanah Jiwa Juwita University of Brawijaya



job involvement, comittment organizational, OCB


A hospital is a non- profit health service organization profit oriented, and own various specifications, specifically related with human resources. In this context, hospitals are often mentioned as an organization that is intensive in human resources, this is because it is in a hospital there are various professions and types of work that have specifications and tasks different principal. Apart from that, hospitals are also known as solid organizations regulations and intensive technology and science. Technology and science intensive knowledge because there is technology and sophisticated medical equipment as well the rapid development of science as a result of education and study in in House Sick. Congested regulations because in House Sick there is Lots regulation and terms service Which must obeyed by all over element Which There is At home Sick. This research aims to investigate influencing factors OCB to nurses at Samarinda Medika Citra Hospital. This research uses OCB as a dependent variable which influences Organizational Justice, Job involvement and Organizational Commitment as mediating variables. This research is categorized as explanatory research. The respondents in this study were nurses at Samarinda Medika Citra Hospital who had worked for more than 2 years and determining the sample size in this study used a saturated sample technique with a total sample of 172 respondents. The data collection method uses a questionnaire, and the data is analyzed using SEM-PLS. The findings from this research show that organizational justice, job involvement and organizational commitment have significant effects on OCB. Organizational Commitment also plays a role in mediating the relationship between organizational justice and work engagement hope OCB.


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How to Cite

Sari, D. R., Noermijati, & Juwita, H. A. J. (2024). The effect of organizational justice and job involvement on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with organizational commitment as mediation variable: Study on Samarinda Medika Citra Hospital Nurses. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 13(5), 421–431.



Organizational Culture, Leadership and Human Resources Management