Prioritizing social media marketing activities: unveiling the SMMA dimensions for enhancing brand attitude, experience, and purchase intention
Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA), Brand Attitudes, Brand Experiences, Purchase Intentions, Customer Engagement, Local Fashion Brands, Indonesia, PLS-SEMAbstract
This research examines the influence of Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) on consumer behaviour towards local fashion brands in Indonesia. The study focuses on five key SMMA dimensions: interactivity, informativeness, personalization, trendiness, and word-of-mouth (WOM). It extends previous research by investigating the moderating effect of customer engagement levels on the relationships between SMMA dimensions, consumer attitudes, brand experiences, and purchase intentions. A quantitative approach was employed through an online survey distributed to 878 social media users who actively follow and purchase from local fashion brands. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to analyse the data and identify the influence of SMMA dimensions on consumer attitudes, experiences, purchase intentions, and the moderating effect of customer engagement levels. The findings aim to identify the influence of each SMMA dimension on consumer attitudes, experiences, and purchase intentions, quantify the relative impact of each SMMA dimension on these consumer behaviour factors, determine the SMMA dimension with the strongest influence on consumer response, and investigate the moderating effect of customer engagement levels on the relationships between SMMA and the other variables. These findings provide valuable guidance for local fashion brands in developing effective social media marketing strategies to enhance customer engagement and drive purchase intentions.
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