Factor affecting organizational citizenship behavior and employee performance in banking sector
Individual Characteristic, organizational commitment, Job satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), employee performance, Banking sectorAbstract
This study aims to analyze the role of individual characteristics, organizational commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance with an organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) mediation mechanism in the banking industry in Indonesia. Quantitative analysis was used for data analysis and questionnaires as a data collection technique were disseminated online using Google Forms to 122 employees with random sampling techniques. Data analysis using SEM-PLS with the help of SmartPLS application. The results found that individual characteristics had a significant effect on employee performance. However, organizational commitment and job satisfaction do not have a significant effect on employee performance. Furthermore, individual characteristics, organizational commitment and job satisfaction have a significant effect on OCB. Then OCB has a significant effect on employee performance. In addition, OCB mediates in part the influence of individual characteristics on employee performance. While OCB perfectly mediates the effect of organizational commitment and job satisfaction on employee performance.
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