The effects of behavioral intention to use e-procurement system on public procurement performance in emerging countries
buyer-supplier perspectives from Tanzania
Behavioral Intention, e-Procurement System, Public Procurement Performance, Use Behavior, UTAUTAbstract
This article aims to assess the direct and indirect influence of suppliers' and buyers' behavioral intention on the performance of public procurement in Tanzania. This is accomplished by analyzing their utilization of the e-procurement system, using an adapted rendition of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The study used an explanatory cross-sectional survey research design and implemented a stratified sampling method to choose a sample of 312 participants, comprising of both customers and providers. The data collecting process included administering a questionnaire consisting of closed-ended questions and conducting a thorough examination of pertinent documents. The gathered data was then examined using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling, with the aid of SmartPLS 4 software. The findings indicate that behavioral intention has a favorable, direct, and indirect impact on the performance of public procurement. The research suggests that the effectiveness of public procurement is indirectly impacted by the behavioral inclination of both buyers and suppliers to use the e-procurement system. Moreover, the efficiency of the e-procurement system is significantly impacted by the use patterns of both purchasers and vendors. Therefore, it is recommended that developing countries, such as Tanzania, should take into account the behavioral intention and usage behavior of both buyers and suppliers before, during, and after the adoption of an e-procurement system.
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