Online shopping behaviour on social media platforms from the perspective of trust and flow experience: a SEM-Neural Network Modeling


  • Tazizur Rahman Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Barishal
  • Mohammad Islam Department of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Abul Khayer Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Tania Islam Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Barishal (BU).



Online shopping behaviour, Social media platforms, SEM-ANN model, UTAUT, Flow, Trust


This study aims to examine online shopping behaviour on social media platforms. This study formulates a research model integrating trust with the flow theory and some basic constructs of the UTAUT. To analyze the data from an online survey involving 305 participants actively making online purchases through social media platforms. This study applied the Structural Equation Modeling-Artificial Neural Networks (SEM-ANN) technique. Incorporating statistically significant SEM findings, the ANN model was used to analyze linear and nonlinear interactions among proposed variables. The research findings demonstrate that flow emerges as the most significant determinant, succeeded by effort expectancy, social influence, and performance expectancy, in defining the concept of trust. However, the sensitivity analysis using ANN indicates that effort expectancy is the most important factor in establishing trust, followed by flow, social influence, and performance expectancy. The predictive power of intention to use is noteworthy in determining actual use behaviour, with trust and flow emerging as influential factors favourably impacting this intention.


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Author Biographies

Tazizur Rahman, Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, University of Barishal

Dr. Tazizur Rahman has been serving as an Associate Professor at the Department of Management Studies, University of Barishal, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D. from Keimyung University, South Korea. His research interests are E-commerce, Social Commerce, Social Network Services, Machine Learning, Text Mining, and Recommended Systems. He has published papers in Service Business, Information Development, Barisal University Journal, Information and Knowledge Management, and the European Journal of Business and Management.

Mohammad Islam, Department of Management Information Systems, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Mohammad Tariqul Islam is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Management Information Systems (MIS), the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He received a second MBA degree majoring in Innovation Management from Ristumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan, and his first MBA in Management Information Systems from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Besides, he completed a Research Studentship in Innovation Science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. At present, he is a PhD researcher at the Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, UK.His teaching and research interests include Innovation Adoption and diffusion, Management of Technology, Technology Acceptance, Structural Equation Modelling multivariate Data Analysis. His research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Information Engineering and Applications, Bangladesh Journal of MIS, International Journal of Business and Management, Information Development, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, and Cogent Business & Management.

Abul Khayer, Department of International Business, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Abul Khayer is an Associate Professor in Management Information Systems(MIS) at the Department of International Business, University of Dhaka. He has accomplished his PhD in Management Science and Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). Earlier, he completed Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Management Information Systems (MIS) from the University of Dhaka. He has published several research articles in local and international peer-reviewed journals including Industrial Management and Data Systems, Technology in Society, VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, International Journal for Mobile Communications, The Bottom Line etc. His current research interests include information systems, knowledge management systems, Smart technologies, blockchain, social commerce, and financial technology (FinTech)

Tania Islam, Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Barishal (BU).

Dr. Tania Islam received a B.Sc. Engg. (CSE), M.Sc. (CS), and M.Sc. Engg. (CSE) degree from Patuakhali Science and Technology University(PSTU), Jahangirnagar University (JU), and  Khulna University (KU), Bangladesh, in 2012, 2014, and 2018, respectively. She did her Ph.D. degree in information and communication engineering at Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea. She holds the position of Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the University of Barishal (BU). Her research interest includes molecular communication, wireless sensor network, medium access control protocol, machine learning, and social community analysis.


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How to Cite

Rahman, T., Islam, M., Khayer, A., & Islam, T. (2024). Online shopping behaviour on social media platforms from the perspective of trust and flow experience: a SEM-Neural Network Modeling. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 13(5), 857–873.



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