Navigating the 21st century marketplace: the role of digital marketing in SME development in Nigeria
Marketing, Digital Marketing, Online Marketing, ICT, SME..Abstract
The ever-evolving digital marketing landscape has continuously adapted to technological advancement, consumer behaviour and ecosystem trends. The 21st century marketplace needs traditional marketing practices, and digital platforms to ensure the actualisation of their growth and development in the ecosystem. The study examined how different digital marketing platforms can influence SMEs' operations and performance (Online marketing, and ICT initiatives). The study employed a quantitative design with primary data collection via a questionnaire designed based on 5-Likert’s Scale to answer the research questions; if there is a significant relationship between Online Marketing and SMEs' Business Competitiveness, and if ICT initiative has a positive relationship with SMEs' Business Growth. Two (2) hypotheses were formulated and tested using a statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). To ascertain the hypotheses formulated, both descriptive and regression analyses were carried out, and the output clearly showed a significant influence of digital marketing on the performance of SMEs. The result shows a positive impact of online marketing on SME business competitiveness. However, this study concluded that in the technology-driven environment, 21st-century SMEs will always see the usefulness and relevance of digital marketing because of its role in improving their performance. This study recommends that SMEs incorporate intensive digital platforms and engage in time-to-time updates of their online marketing channels.
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