Exploring the interplay of transformational leadership, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment in enhancing organizational citizenship behavior
Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Public Sector ManagementAbstract
This study investigates the intricate relationships between transformational leadership behaviours (TLB), job satisfaction (JS), organizational commitment (OC), and organizational citizenship behaviours (OCB) within the context of county governments in the United States. Drawing on a theoretical model that hypothesizes both direct and indirect effects of TLB on OCB, mediated by JS and OC, this research employs structural equation modelling to analyze survey data collected from 372 matched leader-follower pairs across various county governments. The findings substantiate the hypothesized model, revealing that TLB indirectly influences OCB through the mediating effects of JS and OC. Specifically, the study underscores the pivotal role of job satisfaction and organizational commitment as conduits through which transformational leadership exerts its positive impact on organizational citizenship behaviours. This research contributes to the literature by empirically validating a comprehensive model within the public sector context, thereby extending our understanding of the mechanisms through which transformational leadership fosters a conducive work environment that promotes OCB. The study's implications for leadership development and organizational policy within public sector organizations are discussed, alongside limitations and directions for future research.
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