Determinants of Mindful Adoption of Green Innovation


  • Chieh-Yu Lin Chang Jung Christian University
  • Yi-Hui Ho
  • Young-Long Wu
  • I-Chi Yu



Green Innovation Adoption, Organizational Green Mindfulness, Technological Factors, Organizational Factors, Environmental Factors


Green innovation adoption is usually believed to be able to confer strategic and competitive benefits to the adopting firms. This paper aims to develop a model that analyzes factors influencing mindful adoption of green innovation. Organizational mindfulness is an organizational attitude that allows firms to be a preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify interpretations, sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise. Firms require mindfulness thinking in green innovation adoption. Although studies on green innovation adoption can be found in the literature, less is known about organizational mindfulness in green innovation adoption. A conceptual model regarding determinants affecting mindfulness thinking in green innovation adoption is proposed in this paper. The determinant factors are grouped into technological, organizational and environmental dimensions, and the corresponding influence of each factor on mindful adoption of green innovation is discussed. This study can broaden the scope of research on environmental management and organizational mindfulness theory, and contribute to an insight into mindful adoption of green innovation.


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How to Cite

Lin, C.-Y., Ho, Y.-H., Wu, Y.-L., & Yu, I.-C. (2019). Determinants of Mindful Adoption of Green Innovation. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 8(4), 79–89.


