Building Store Satisfaction Centred on Customer Retention in Clothing Retailing

Store Design and Ease of Shopping


  • Gulden Turhan



Satisfaction, Customer Retention, Store Design, Shooing Ease, Brand Consciouosness


The study’s research model suggests that store design and ease of shopping are associated with customer retention through a mediated pathway in which store design and ease of shopping influence perceived store satisfaction, which in turn, influences customer retention. This survey was administered to two separate clothing stores offered to either females or males (in total, 533 participants). Using structural equation modelling methodology, data was analysed to explain the interrelations among the variables in the model. The results of an empirical study of a sample of store shoppers revealed that store design and ease of shopping influence customer retention in an indirect way through customer perception of satisfaction with the store. In building store satisfaction that is centred on customer retention, store design and shopping ease differ in their relative influences. This difference is high for females, but for men as low as to be considered negligible in males. As a result, improving customers’ perceptions of store design and ease of shopping is a way to ensure store satisfaction support customer retention. The results of the study provide a new insight into the relationships by suggesting indirect effects of shopping ease and store design on consumer retention by their impacts on store satisfaction, rather than direct effects.


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How to Cite

Turhan, G. (2014). Building Store Satisfaction Centred on Customer Retention in Clothing Retailing: Store Design and Ease of Shopping. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 3(1), 89–105.


