Urban crime and livelihood implications among the motorcycle taxi riders in Dar Es Salaam City- Tanzania


  • Emmanuel January Munishi College of Business Education
  • Kirumirah Mubarack Hamidu College of Business Education




Motorcycle taxi, crime, livelihoods, urbanisation, Dar es Salaam


The motorcycle taxi business is increasingly becoming one of the key livelihood strategies in the urban settings of Sub-Saharan Africa. However, crime against operators is threatening the subsector and jeopardizes the livelihood of motorcycle riders. This study examines urban crime and its implications on the livelihoods of motorcycle taxi riders in Dar es Salaam Tanzania in a bid to recommend strategies for alleviating the looming crime. Based on the qualitative design, data were collected using in-depth interviews, focus group discussion and indirect observations with a sample of 100 motorcycle taxi-riders. Thematic data analysis was employed based on the five themes [aka assets] pre-determined from the sustainable livelihood framework namely natural, physical, human, social and financial assets. Findings show that crime has negatively impacted the motorcycle taxi riders’ livelihoods through erosion of the livelihood assets. Accordingly, in order to alleviate the crime, relevant authorities should devise a well-defined mechanism of sharing crime information, use of technology such as the GPRS system and security cameras around the city, ensure the availability of the police and prompt response to crime incidence through night security patrols and sharing reliable contacts, provision of security and crime education and awareness to the riders. Others are ensuring an effective, communication system between and among the motorcycle riders e.g. through phones, WhatsApp groups, and other social media, and use of ID cards by the riders for easy identification and traceability whenever they fall victims of crime.


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How to Cite

Munishi, E. J., & Hamidu, K. M. (2022). Urban crime and livelihood implications among the motorcycle taxi riders in Dar Es Salaam City- Tanzania. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 11(4), 246–254. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v11i4.1850



Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences