Investigating the effect of teacher commitment on student academic achievement

The case of Moroccan high schools in Tangier


  • Insaf El Kalai Abdelmalek Essaadi University
  • Brahim Kirmi Abdelmalek Essaadi University
  • Imad Ait Lhassan Université Abdelmalek Essaadi



Organizational Commitment, Professional Commitment, Teachers, Commitment, Students, Academic Achievement


The present work is interested in the resonance of teacher commitment on students' academic commitment and consequently on their academic achievement. It aims to identify the determinants of the commitment of Moroccan teachers at the qualifying secondary level specifically in the Provincial Directorate of National Education of Tangier-Assilah (Morocco), in particular organizational commitment and professional commitment with repercussions on student commitment in its two dimensions: affective, cognitive and its extension on academic achievement. This article has discussed the conceptual and theoretical details as well as the problematic, the main hypotheses and the conceptual model of the research. Then, it has presented the results of the empirical study which is based on a quantitative methodological approach of a positivist hypothetical deductive nature. The data were collected by a questionnaire submitted by e-mail to our study population, which consists of 204 teachers and 380 students of the qualifying secondary level in 29 local public schools of the qualifying secondary cycle in the Provincial Directorate of National Education of Tangier-Assilah (Morocco). The result of our empirical study shows that the teacher commitment had a positive and statistically significant effect on student academic achievement through student engagement in local public schools of the qualifying secondary cycle in the Provincial Directorate of National Education of Tangier-Assilah (Morocco).


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How to Cite

El Kalai, I., Kirmi, B., & Ait Lhassan, I. (2022). Investigating the effect of teacher commitment on student academic achievement: The case of Moroccan high schools in Tangier. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(8), 350–363.



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