A Study on Sustainable Innovation Profile of Turkey


  • Pelin Vardarlier
  • Rana Cakir




Innovation, Performance, National Innovation System, Growth


Innovation is the only way of solution to achieve sustainable growth, social welfare and employment in a country. This study principally focuses on the relationship between growth and innovation in the light of information derived from a general literature review about definition, sources and risks of innovation, and measurement of innovation performance. Then, the contributions of innovative capability on economic growth and employment as well as innovation systems on a country basis have been discussed, and accordingly, actions to be taken, including a shift in paradigm, for a growth-innovation-national innovation system and its sustainability have been addressed. In addition, current innovation performance indicators of Turkey have been discussed in the light of a scope which is outlined in the initial sections of the study, and the change in such performance indicators between 1998 and 2009 has been examined. After analysis of the above mentioned criteria and comparisons against practices in developed countries and communities, suggestions have been made about the activities to be carried out in order to make Turkey’s current innovation system “sustainable”, to support and improve innovation. In the study, a research application has been conducted using the content analysis method on the “President’s Message” letters of 158 state and foundation universities that are located in Turkey and that have a website, and the importance accorded to innovation by the universities has been determined.


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How to Cite

Vardarlier, P., & Cakir, R. (2015). A Study on Sustainable Innovation Profile of Turkey. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 4(4), 24–35. https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v4i4.16


