Implementation of pentahelix collaboration in handling Covid-19 pandemic through Kampung Tangguh program in Malang
Pandemic, Covid-19, Collaboration, Kampung Tangguh, PentahelixAbstract
Covid-19 has become a global pandemic that many may not know when it will end. In quantity, now Covid-19 sufferers have reached 100 million, which are spread across approximately 220 countries around the world, including Indonesia. In Indonesia itself, to this day the trend of increasing confirmed positive Covid-19 patients is still happening and has exceeded the 1 million mark. Of course, various policies have been carried out by the central and local governments. Pandemic conditions that have an impact on various aspects of human life, of course, cannot be resolved by the Government alone. There is a need for collaborative efforts between all stakeholders such as Community, University/academics, Private Sector and Media to fight the Covid-19. This article is the result of research on the Kampung Tangguh program in Malang City, which includes pentahelix collaboration in an effort to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic by using descriptive research methods that use an instrument in the form of in-depth interviews conducted on several informants determined by purposive sampling techniques and field observations and analyzed by means of non-statistical data regarding the facts from the existing research locations in several locations of Kampung Tangguh in Malang. As a result, the Government, Community, University, Private Sector and Media are moving together in the Kampung Tangguh program in Malang as an effort to deal with Covid-19 and increase resilient efforts for rural communities who are not only healthy and protected from Covid-19 but also logistically tough, tough in human resources, resilient in information, resilient in security and order, tough in terms of culture and tough psychologically.
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