Towards a Reinvigoration of the Risk Management Framework for the Scope of Upgrading Prudential Surveillance


  • Mohamed Miras Marzouki FSEGT



Risk moments, Early warning, Information asymmetries, Balanced Scorecard, Convergence


This article discusses financial stability related notions of risk, the issue of convergence and cross financial sector prudential intervention. It elucidates the Basel framework shortcomings and enunciates the requirement of setting a reinvigorated prudential framework before proceeding to its essentials in terms of engineering. It highlights an early warning approach dealing with the issue of time reaction mismatch of the prudential authority and the priority of setting a long run forwarded guided approach. The objective of this research is to provide a clue into enhancing prudential setting of instruments, the forwarded guided purview of surveillance as well as hedging and the Balanced Score Card. 


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How to Cite

Marzouki, M. M. (2024). Towards a Reinvigoration of the Risk Management Framework for the Scope of Upgrading Prudential Surveillance. International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (2147-4486), 13(3), 22–37.