Sustainable food house area policy to increase food security in the vurnerable area


  • Faza Dhora Nailufar STIA LAN Polythecnic of Jakarta
  • Novy Setia Yunas
  • M Alexander Mujiburrohman



Food security, Public policy, Policy implementation, KRPL, Vulnerability Food Area


One of the important justifications for the development of the Sustainable Food House Area or in Indonesia called Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) is national food security must begin with food security at the household level. Until now, most papers about KRPL have only addressed the impact of KRPL in part or in groups, but this study provides a detailed explanation of the effectiveness of some KRPLs implantation, allowing broad generalizations to be reached about the main consequences. The location is in three east java districts with leading KRPL practices. The data was obtained by in-depth interviews with managers, local government, and affected communities. Researchers also observed the practice of KRPL in the field to complete the data. As a result, KRPL policy has at least some good impacts, such as the existence of KRPL can reduce household spending due to reduce the budget for food shopping and KRPL can stimulate the growth of productive economic enterprises in rural areas. And another important thing is KRPL can be a means of sharing and control between villagers and the village government.


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How to Cite

Nailufar, F. D., Yunas, N. S., & Mujiburrohman, M. A. (2021). Sustainable food house area policy to increase food security in the vurnerable area . International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 10(5), 216–223.



Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences