How to Enable Thriving at Work through Organizational Trust


  • Omer Erdem Kocak



Thriving at Work, Vitality, Learning, Organizational Trust, Positive Relationship


Positive organizational scholarship has gained attention in recent years which emphasizes investing in employee strengths. Review of relevant literature gave some insights on the relationship between organizational climate, inter-individual relationships and thriving at work. This study examines the impact of organizational trust on thriving at work quantitatively. Data was obtained from sample of academicians all over Turkey (n=422) participated to cross-sectional survey study stating their trust to management, supervisor, colleagues and their thriving at work. The structural equation modelling results showed a strong positive relationship between organizational trust and thriving at work (?=.74). Also, it was the first time thriving at work scale has been assessed in Turkey. The validity and reliability scores indicate its usability in Turkish literature.


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How to Cite

Kocak, O. E. (2016). How to Enable Thriving at Work through Organizational Trust. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147- 4478), 5(4), 40–52.


